Item Name: Backpack (Large) Fur Scarf, Item Type:Ĝlothing, Cost:Ē0 Honor Token, Notes: Head Slot, Cold Resist +5.Item Name:, Item Type:Ĝlothing, Cost:ĕ0 Honor Token, Notes: Head Slot, Encumbrance +30.
Item Name: Backpack (Medium), Item Type:Ĝlothing, Cost:Ē5 Honor Token, Notes: Head Slot, Encumbrance +20.Item Name: Backpack (Small), Item Type:Ĝlothing, Cost:đ0 Honor Token, Notes: Head Slot, Encumbrance +10.Item Name: 1 Heirloom Weapon Repair Kit, Item Type: Repair Kit, Cost:ĕ0 Honor Token.Item Name: 1 Death Whisper Potion, Item Type:Ĝrafting Material, Cost:ĕ0 Honor Token.Item Name: 5 Uncut Amethyst, Item Type:Ĝrafting Material, Cost:Ĕ5 Honor Token.Item Name: 1 Onyx Core, Item Type:Ĝrafting Material, Cost:ĕ0 Honor Token.Item Name: 1 Uncut Diamond, Item Type:Ĝrafting Material, Cost:ē0 Honor Token.Honor Tokens are farmed from AoC enemies, and Loyalty Tokens can only be recieved from quest rewards. These vendors are located in the Faction Hall main room.
Below you will find information regarding the different AoC Merchants/Venders.